
Valorant Tacti-Force Signature Buddy Bundle: Release Date, Pirce and More!

A new buddy bundle called Tacti-Force Signature Buddy Bundle has been announced. Valorant uploaded a new video on YouTube, introducing five new buddies to us! And these new cosmetics will arrive soon in the shop. Read below to learn about these buddies!



Tacti-Force Signature Buddy Bundle


About Valorant Tacti-Force Buddy Bundle


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Valorant Tacti-Force Buddy Bundle is clearly inspired by the Japanese Tokusatsu, The Super Sentai. This Super Sentai inspired bundle is a set of cosmetic items in VALORANT, available for a limited time upon its initial release. The collection features two distinct capsules: the Tacti-Force Capsule and the Tacti-Force Signature Capsule. However, the specific differences in cosmetics between the two capsules have not yet been disclosed. So we can assume that one of them should be a secondary replacement for the other, perhaps the Tacti-Force Bundle contains only 5 buddies, while the Tacti-Force Signature Bundle also contains the player's card, avatar, and sprays.


Tacti-Force Capsule Include:


  •  (5) Gunbuddies


Tacti-Force Signature Capsule Include


  • (5) Playercards
  • (5) Gunbuddies
  • (1) Spray


Valorant Tacti-Force Buddy Bundle


Tacti-Force Buddy Bundle Released Date


The Tacti-Force Signature Bundle will be available in Valorant stores on December 6 with the update of Patch 9.10. What's more, the new weapons bundle will be released on December 13. Click Valorant Araxys 2.0 Bundle to learn more!


Tacti-Force Buddy Bundle Items


Unlike most bundles, the items in this set cannot be purchased individually. Players must buy the entire bundle to access its contents. Additionally, these items will not appear in the Featured Store's daily offers.


Tacti-Force Buddies 


There are 5 buddies in Tacti-Force Buddy Bundle: 


  • Tacti-Force Emerald Buddy
  • Tacti-Force Obsidian Buddy    
  • Tacti-Force Ruby Buddy    
  • Tacti-Force Sapphire Buddy    
  • Tacti-Force Topaz Buddy     


Valorant Tacti-Force Buddies


When you attach one of these buddies to the gun, the buddy will Henshin when fired. And the buddy will have a super Saiyan-like fire effect. 



Tacti-Force Sprays


Tacti-Force Sprays is inspired by the Kamen Rider series' Henshin Belt and looks like Kamen Rider Decade's belt.


Tacti-Force Sprays

kamenrider decade belt



Tacti-Force Player Cards


The Tacti-Force Player Card also has an animation. These little cute buddies will Henshin in this card. You can enjoy these animations in the bobby.


Tacti-Force Player Cards


Tacti-Force Avatar


Tacti-Force Avatar


More Details in this Video


Video Source:VALORANT


Tacti-Force Buddy Bundle Price


The exact price of this new set is more affordable than traditional bundles since it doesn’t include any weapon skins. 


  • Tactic Force Signature Capsule: 2920VP — 3050 VP
  • Tactic Force Capsule: 1995VP (Buddies only) — 2050 VP




Tacti-Force Buddy Bundle is perfect for people who have a lot of friends in the Valorant. When you and four other friends are equipped with this new bundle, it will be very cool! And please bookmark and follow us, we will stay updated on all the latest VALORANT news!


Prepare Your Valorant Point for the New Bundle! LootBar also provides Valorant's top-up service! Don't miss out the opportunity to buy Valorant points and get more VPs for less money!


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