LOL Wild Rift Guide to Best Assassin Champions

Hey LOL Wild Rift players, are you enjoying the action in the Runterra arena? League of Legends Wild Rift is one of the best MOBA games in the mobile gaming community. It has many rosters distributed over various classes. Each champion has its unique abilities. Also, every champion class is important to guarantee victory in this game. The Assassin class is one of the fun roles in the Wild Rift. Many players enjoy playing this class as it gets many kills. However, with such a big roster it becomes difficult to choose the best Assassin champion. Worry not, in this guide we will discuss the best Assassin champions in League of Legends Wild Rift. 


Assassin Role in LOL Wild Rift 


Assassin class is amongst the most skill-demanding classes in LOL Wild Rift. There are a plethora of Assassin class champions in the game. Players can buy Wild Cores and purchase champions and their skins from the market. The champions from this class easily enter a battle get kills and escape the scene. They inflict heavy damage on a target and have high mobility. The main target of assassins is squishy champions like Mages, Marksman, and Support. However, assassins have a difficult time against Fighters and Tanks. Assassins offer high risk and high rewards to the players. The best Spells for Assassin class are Flash and Ignite.


Best Assassin Champions in LOL Wild Rift 




Pyke is one of the best assassins in League of Legends Wild Rift. He dominates the Support lane with his abilities. 


League of Legends Pyke




  • Gift of Drowned Ones (Passive): Pyke has a unique ability to store 10% of the damage he takes from enemies, which jumps to 35% if he's near at least two enemy champions. However, this stored damage can't go over 80. Once he’s out of sight, Pyke gradually recovers this stored health.   
  • Bone Skewer (Ability 1):  Bone Skewer increases the range of his hook but slows Pyke down by 20%. He throws his spear and deals damage. If the ability is overcharged, players get some of the cooldown and mana cost back. 
  • Ghostwater Drive (Ability 2): Ghostwater Drive grants stealth and a decaying movement speed to the champion. While this ability is on, enemies can’t see him unless they’re close enough. This ability makes Pyke a master at roaming, letting him zip around the rift quickly. As a Support Assassin, Ghostwater Drive also gives Pyke a way to reposition himself, allowing him to sneak up on enemies and take out those with low health.
  • Phantom Undertow (Ability 3): Pyke dashes forward and leaves a phantom behind. After a short delay, the phantom rushes back to him, stunning anything in its path. For an extra edge, players can use Flash to enhance this skill. But there’s more to Phantom Undertow than just crowd control. It lets Pyke dash through walls, which is super handy.
  • Death from Below (Ultimate): Pyke marks a spot on the ground and can teleport there if he hits an enemy. If the target is above a certain health threshold, they take reduced damage, but if they’re low on health, they get executed. When that happens, both Pyke and the last ally who helped him get some gold. He also gains an extra charge of his ultimate.





  • Youmuu’s Ghostblade
  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity
  • Duskblade of Draktharr
  • Umbral Glaive
  • Edge of Night
  • Guardian Angel



  • Electrocute
  • Aftershock
  • Titan
  • Weakness
  • Pathfinder




Talon is a Mid Laner Assassin with abilities that can easily take on enemies. His early as well as late games are quite powerful. During the early game, his burst damage gives a hard time to the enemies. While in the late game, his ability to execute enemies is helpful.


League of Legends Talon




Blade's End (Passive): This passive ability causes enemies to bleed after taking three hits. Regular attacks on enemy champions are the best way to maximize damage. 

Noxian Diplomacy (Ability 1): This ability allows him to dash toward a distant enemy or unleash massive critical damage on a nearby foe. It’s especially effective after going invisible with Shadow Assault, catching enemies by surprise with its high burst damage. 

Rake (Ability 2): Rake is Talon’s main poke ability. He can use it to harass enemies from a distance without taking any hits himself. 

Assassin’s Path (Ability 3): This ability allows him to gank the enemies easily. However, he needs to be careful where he vaults since the terrain will have a long cooldown after use. 

Shadow Assault (Ultimate): Talon’s ultimate ability helps him quickly take out targets. Its massive burst damage is also a game-changer in team fights.





  • Youmuu’s Ghostblade
  • Duskblade of Draktharr
  • Protobelt Enchant
  • Edge of Night
  • Serylda's Grudge
  • Serpent's Fang



  • Electrocute
  • Scorch
  • Eyeball Collector
  • Sweet Tooth
  • Coup De Grace




Yone is an Assassin that dominates the Mid-lane. During the early, it had few shortcomings and must be played passively. However, as the battle progresses, he grows stronger and can easily kill enemies.


League of Legends Yone




Way of the Hunter (Passive): Yone's passive allows a boosted critical strike chance and adds bonus physical damage based on his attack damage. 

Mortal Steel (Ability 1): Mortal Steel allows him to deal physical damage by thrusting his sword toward his target. This move triggers on-hit and on-attack effects. Hitting at least one enemy grant him a stack of Gathering Storm.

Spirit Cleave (Ability 2): Yone performs a cleave and slash in the chosen direction, dealing physical and magic damage. He gains a shield by hitting enemies, during Spirit Cleave.

Soul Unbound (Ability 3): This ability transforms Yone into his spirit form, leaving his physical body behind. His original body becomes immortal and is sent back the same distance from where he cast the ability. He reclaims his body after the time ends. While in spirit form, Yone becomes ghosted and gains a 30% boost in movement speed. 

Fate Sealed (Ultimate): Yone's ultimate marks all enemies in a straight line. After that, he dashes forward, teleporting behind the last enemy he hit. Any foes caught in that line will be yanked to the center and knocked up.





  • Immortal Shieldblow
  • Phantom Dancer
  • Quicksilver Enchant
  • Infinity Edge
  • Bloodthirster
  • Guardian Angel



  • Conquerer
  • Fleet Footwork
  • Last Stand




Well, gamers, that was all for this guide about the best Assassins champions in LOL Wild Rift. Players can easily dominate the arena using these champions. However, we encourage the players to try other assassins as well.

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