
FFXIV Fashion Report 307 Week

What is fashion report in FFXIV?

The Fashion Report is a weekly event at the Gold Saucer where participants can earn over 60,000 MGP. Participants earn 10,000 for participating and an additional 50,000 for scoring 80 or more. Additional MGP can be earned using FC or personal MGP buffs. The event involves equipping certain glamours based on weekly hints. The scoring takes place on Fridays and is the same for all participants. Even if you don't participate in the guessing game, you can still present your outfit after the results are out and earn easy MGP.


What is the theme in 307 week?

[Theme] Beast by Starlight

[Head ] A "Bone" to Pick

[Hands] Coiled Finally

[Feet ] In Sheep's Clothing

[Left Ring ] Veteran of War


The 307th week FFXIV fashion report guide:

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