Wuthering Waves The Shorekeeper Kit: Talents, Skills, Resonance Chains, Signature Weapon and More!

The Shorekeeper is a new Five-star Resonator in the upcoming 1.3 Banner of Wuthering Waves. As the second 5-star healer in this game, she is a versatile support who can team up with many Resonators. In this blog, we maily introduce the kit of The Shorekeeper, focusing on her skills, talents, abilities and Resonance Chains. Also, we will cover the information about her signature weapon. If you are interested, please keep reading!


❉ List of Contents ❉


Basic Information   

Signature Weapon

Normal Attack   Forte Circuit: Astral Chord

Resonance Skill

Resonance Liberation

Intro Skill   Outro Skill  ❉ Inherent Skill   

Stat Bonus

Resonance Chains


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Basic Information 


   • Base HP: 16713 (Lv.90) 

   • Base ATK: 288 (Lv.90) 

   • Base DEF: 1100 (Lv.90) 


❉ Rarity: Five-star    ❉ Attribute: Spectro   ❉ Weapon: Rectifier


the shorekeeper



Signature Weapon 


the shorekeeper signature


Base ATK: 413 丨 Energy Regen 77%

R1: Health increased by 12%. When the Intro skill causes healing, it restores 8 of its own concerto energy and increases the attack of all characters in the nearby team by 10% for 30 seconds, can trigger once every 20 seconds, and cannot be superimposed between the same effect.



Normal Attack: Origin Calculus ❉ 


Basic Attack

Perform up to 4 consecutive attacks, dealing Spectro DMG. When the attack hits a target, generate one Collapsed Core.


basic attack

Heavy Attack

Hold the Normal Attack Button at the cost of STA and enter Release Form, which enables the Shorekeeper to

  · Accumulate a segment of Speculative Data every second;
  · Automatically collect plant collectibles within a certain range.

Tap the Normal Attack Button or use up all STA to end Release Form while dealing Spectro DMG to the target. Meanwhile, every accumulated Speculative Data segment transforms into [Actual Data] segment with one Collapsed Core.


Mid-air Attack

Consume STA to perform a Plunging Attack. When the attack hits a target, generate one Collapsed Core. Tap the Normal Attack Button within a certain range of time to perform Basic Attack Stage 2.

Dodge Counter

Tap the Normal Attack Button after a successful Dodge to attack a target, dealing Spectro DMG.



Forte Circuit: Astral Chord


Flare Star Butterfly

Generate a floating Collapsed Core when a Normal Attack hits a target, which emerges as a Flare Star Butterfly after 6s. Flare Star Butterflies automatically track and attack a target, dealing Spectro DMG. If there are already 5 Collapsed Cores, the next time the Shorekeeper's Normal Attack hits a target, one Collapsed Core will instantly transform into a Flare Star Butterfly.


When 5 segments of [Actual Data] have been accumulated, casting Heavy Attack will consume all [Actual Data] segments to draw in nearby targets, dealing Spectro DMG. Meanwhile, all generated Collapsed Cores will instantly transform into Flare Star Butterflies.


When 5 segments of [Actual Data] have been accumulated, casting Mid-air Attack will consume all [Actual Data] segments to deal Spectro DMG. Meanwhile, all generated Collapsed Cores will instantly transform into Flare Star Butterflies. Tap the Normal Attack Button within a certain range of time to perform Basic Attack Stage 2.

Actual Data

The Shorekeeper can accumulate up to 5 segments of [Actual Data].
The Shorekeeper obtain one segment of [Actual Data] when her Normal Attack Origin Calculus hits a target.


Astral Chord



Resonance Skill: Chaos Theory 


Restore HP for all team members and summon 5 Dim Star ButterfliesDim Star Butterflies automatically track and attack a target, dealing Spectro DMG.

It can be performed in mid-air.


resonance skill



Resonance Liberation: End Loop 


Elementary Stellarealm

Expand Elementary Stellarealm to continuously restore HP for all team members within the Stellarealm. This effect can be triggered once every 3 seconds.


resonance liberation

Sophisticated Stellarealm

When nearby team members use Intro Skill within Elementary Stellarealm, it evolves into Sophisticated Stellarealm. In Sophisticated Stellarealm, for every 20% increase in the Shorekeeper's Energy Regen, all nearby team members in the domain gain a 1% increase in Crit. Rate, up to a maximum of 10%.

Sophisticated Stellarealm involves all the effects of Elementary Stellarealm.

Released Stellarealm

When nearby team members use Intro Skill within Sophisticated Stellarealm, it evolves into Released Stellarealm. In Released Stellarealm, for every 10% increase in the Shorekeeper's Energy Regen, all nearby team members in the domain gain a 1% increase in Crit. Rate, up to a maximum of 20%.

Released Stellarealm involves all the effects of Sophisticated Stellarealm.

When Released Stellarealm exists, the Shorekeeper's Intro Skill Enlightenment will be replaced by Intro Skill Discernment.



Intro Skill: Thus Proved 



The Shorekeeper appears to restore HP for all nearby team members and summon 5 Dim Star ButterfliesDim Star Butterflies automatically track and attack a target, dealing Spectro DMG. This is considered Resonance Skill DMG.


When Released Stellarealm exists, the Shorekeeper's Intro Skill Enlightenment will be replaced by Intro Skill Discernment. Cast Discernment to end the current Stellarealm, restore HP for all nearby team members, and attack targets to deal Spectro DMG. This is considered Critical Resonance Liberation DMG.



Outro Skill: Binary Butterfly 


The Shorekeeper summons one Flare Star Butterfly and one Dim Star Butterfly. The butterflies circle all nearby team members, which present for 30s.

When the Flare Star Butterfly is present, tapping on the Dodge Button when a nearby team member is being hit or juggled will allow them to successfully dodge and safely land on the ground. This effect can be triggered up to 5 time(s).

When the Dim Star Butterfly is present, all nearby team members' DMG is amplified by 15%.


Inherent Skill 


1.Cycle of Life


When a team member suffers a fatal injury, they will not fall but instead receive 50% of the Shorekeeper's HP, with the Shorekeeper losing the same amount of HP. This effect can be triggered once every 10 minutes.


2. Self Gravitation


When the Shorekeeper is in the team or when Stellarealm is active, or if the team is within the Black Shores area, the Shorekeeper's Energy Regen increases by 10%. If Rover is in the same team, their Energy Regen also increases by 10%.


the shorekeeper


Stat Bonus 


Healing Bonus+

Healing Bonus increased by 1.80/4.20%.



HP increased by 1.80/4.20%.



Resonance Chain 


1. Unspoken Conjecture


When casting Resonance Liberation End Loop, the effective range of the generated Stellarealm is significantly extended, with its duration inreased by 150%s.


2. Night's Gift and Refusal


When the Flare Star Butterfly hits a target, the Shorekeeper heals herself by 2% of her Max HP. When the Dim Star Butterfly hits a target, all team members' DMG increases by 3%. This effect stacks up to 5 times, each stack lasts 30s.


3. Infinity Awaits Me


When the Stellarealm is present, the Shorekeeper gains 20 Concerto Energy when a nearby team member casts Intro Skill. This effect can be triggered once every 25s.


4. Overflowing Quietude


When casting Outro Skill Binary Butterfly, all nearby team members' DMG is amplified by 10%. This effect lasts for 30s.


5. Echoes in Silence


The effective range of Basic Attack Stage 3 and Deduction is extended by 30%.


6. To the New World


When casting Intro Skill Thus Proved, Chain Intro Skill Discernment Multiplier is increased by 42%. When casting Chain Intro Skill Discernment, the Shorekeeper's Crit. DMG is increased by 200%.




As we can see, The Shorekeeper has brought a set of gorgeous skills for us. The arrival of The Shorekeeper provides players with more team choices. And Verina is no longer the player's only Healer option. For players keen on pulling for The Shorekeeper, topping up Lunites at LootBar.gg! LootBar offers a discount of up to 15 for WuWa top-ups and provides 24/7 customer service for you! Less money for more materials, why not make the most of your purchase and enjoy the hassle-free transactions at LootBar!


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