
Wow Classic SoD Phase 4 Leveling Guide

With the release of Wow Classic SoD Phase 4, the level cap has been raised to 60. This would be the end of Season of Discovery as players would want to bring their best to this end game content. After level 60, you won't be able to level up anymore as there aren't any leveling phases left. As a result, skills and talents would be at their maximum.


In this guide, we are going to discuss the best way to level through 50-60 of the Wow Classic SoD Phase 4 game. Here we will be telling you how you can reach and access the new game content which were unlocked after the release of Phase 4 of the game. Let's get started then.




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WoW SoD Phase 4 Prequesting 


Prequesting has always been an optimal way to earn XPs and help in leveling up when the new Phase of the game is released. The case remains the same for Phase 4 as well. Here are important prequesting that you can opt for.


  • Incursion Quests will help you to maximize the XPs you had initially. Make sure you do the Incursion Quests.
  • You can save important zones such as Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands and Un'Goro for leveling up at a later stage of the game.


In order to maximize your XP gains, follow our SoD Phase 4 Prequesting path which is created for both Horde and Alliance players.


Prequesting for Horde for Levels 50-60


1. Set Hearthstone in Stonard for easy return.

2. Begin at Tarren Mill:

  • Complete Summoning Shadra.

3. Fly to Undercity:

  • Turn in Venom to the Undercity.
  • Donate Runecloth for reputation.
  • Finish Melding of Influences.
  • Retrieve Hinterlands and Feralas mission items from the bank.

4. Travel to The Bulwark:

  • Complete Alas, Andorhal and Mission Accomplished!

5. Use Emerald Dream Ring to teleport to Hinterlands:

  • Complete various missions, including Defeat Florius and Star Lotus.
  • Engage in daily quests for additional progress.

6. Ride to Revantusk Village:

  • Turn in and accept quests such as Return to Primal Torntusk and Separation Anxiety.

7. Hearth back to Stonard:

  • Work on quests like Heroes of Old and The Stones That Bind Us.
  • Collect and turn in items like Snickerfang Jowls and Vulture's Vigor.

8. Do a Sunken Temple run at level 51 for experience.

9. Summon to Booty Bay:

  • Get a buff for leveling from Sunken Temple.
  • Complete An OOX of Your Own.

10. Use the port in Booty Bay to teleport to Feralas:

  • Ride to Camp Mojache and set hearthstone.

11. Feralas Quests:

  • Complete Dark Heart.

12. Fly to Un'Goro:

  • Finish Williden's Journal and It's Dangerous to Go Alone.

13. Fly to Gadgetzan:

  • Complete Pawn Captures Queen and Divin-omatic Rod.
  • Do the cooking quest Clamlette Surprise.

14. Use Emerald Dream Ring to teleport back to Feralas:

  • Engage in daily missions like Defeat Tyrannikus and Moonroot.



WoW SoD Phase 4 Leveling



Prequesting for Alliance for Levels 50-60


1. Set Hearthstone to Duskwood for easy travel.

2. Head to Burning Steppes, specifically the northern area near Ruins of Thaurissan.

3. Complete these Burning Steppes quests:

  • Optional: Ogre Head On A Stick 
  • The Heart of the Mountain
  • The Good Stuff 
  • Gor'tesh the Brute Lord 
  • Incendius!
  • Dragonkin Menace 

4. Fly to Redridge for The True Masters Part 1.

5. Fly to Stormwind:

  • Donate Runecloth (Human) 
  • Into the Temple of Atal'Hakkar
  • Continue with The True Masters Parts 2 & 3 

6. Fly back to Redridge for The True Masters Part 4 and accept the follow-up.

7. Fly to Ironforge:

  • Complete The Platinum Discs Part 2 
  • Portents of Uldum 
  • Donate Runecloth (Dwarf/Gnome) 
  • Rise, Obsidion! 
  • Return to Tymor 
  • The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan Part 2 
  • A Little Slime Goes A Long Way Part 2 
  • The Platinum Discs Part 1 

8. Fly to Chillwind Point, Western Plaguelands:

  • Mission Accomplished! 
  • Alas, Andorhal 

9. Fly to the Hinterlands:

  • Finish missions such as Defeat Florius and Saving Sharpbeak.
  • Engage in daily missions for additional XP.

10. Use Emerald Dream Ring to teleport to Feralas Incursions: Continue with similar daily missions in this area.

11. Reserve 7 inventory slots for Blackrock Eruption dailies.

12. Ride to Feathermoon Stronghold and fly to Marshal's Refuge in Un'Goro Crater.

13. Un'Goro Crater quests:

  • Bloodpetal Sprouts 
  • Crystals of Power 

14. Fly to Gadgetzan:

  • Complete Pawn Captures Queen and pick up Handle With Care.


SoD Phase 4 Leveling Through Dungeons


Dungeons, much like prequesting, help in assimilating a lot of XPs, but they also provide you with gears. Gears would be important when leveling through 50-60 levels. Here are some tips and strategies to get the most of the Dungeons.


Sunken Temple


Start here. You have to complete this dungeon with whatever gear that you have with you. Your gears would be fresh when you start with Sunken Temple. In this dungeon, you can expect to get quality drops and the opportunity to accumulate a decent amount of XP.


Not only that, make sure you take all the World Buffs that are available at present. You can try to maximize how you perform in the dungeon through Chrono Boon. Following these tips would help you to cover Sunken Temple in no time and get the XPs and drops for your later journeys.


Blackrock Depths


BRD quests are important for getting XPs. Blackrock Depths or BRD dungeons are full of quests that offer a decent amount of XP. So make sure you cover as many as possible. It is advisable to get together with a group to cover this dungeon more quickly and efficiently.


XPs play a crucial role in your progress in the game, and gold makes it easier for you to get XP. Gold is the in-game currency of WoW SoD and having a good stock of it is always beneficial in the game. If you are falling short of WoW Gold, get it for real money from reputed and trusted seller


How to Purchase World of Warcraft Gold from


WoW Gold can be bought on with the assurance that the platform is safe, secure, and credible for purchasing in-game coins, recharging accounts, and buying in-game content.


Steps to Top Up WoW Gold on


Follow the steps mentioned below to buy World of Warcraft Gold from


1. Go to official website.

2. Login or Create a new account.

3. Go to the "Game" section in the header and select "World of Warcraft" from the drop-down menu.

4. Select the amount of gold you want to purchase and click on "Buy Now."

5. Enter your order information such as Server and Battle Tag.

6. Select your preferred payment method and click on "Pay Now."

7. Complete the payment, and WoW Gold will be delivered to you in-game.



top up





This would be all about our Wow Classic SoD Phase 4 Leveling Guide. There are various ways to get XPs and level up through 50-60 levels of Phase 4. Try to maximize your XP gain and get better gears from the steps mentioned in this guide. This will be all from us for now. Stay tuned with us for more updates.


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