
Throne And Liberty Carmine Rage Island - The Ultimate Guide

Throne and Liberty features multiple dungeons for players to loot and test their abilities by going up against unique opponents with impressive skills. One of these dungeons is the Carmine Rage Island, with the most challenging mobs and bosses. In this Throne and Liberty Carmine Rage Island guide, we’ll discuss how you can take down the three vicious bosses and more!


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What’s The Carmine Rage Island?

However, before jumping into the dungeon, ensure you have high-level equipment that can optimize and enhance your performance. Your weapons and armour should be properly upgraded to take on the various challenges the Island is set to throw at you. Last but not least, players require high-end gear of around +9 Epic Grade to take down the different enemies.


The Carmine Rage Island is a co-op Tier 2 dungeon in Throne and Liberty that offers various rewards to help players jump up to the next progression level. It consists of multiple challenging mob enemies that come with impressive fighting mechanics, so you’ll need to take them down before getting to the mini-bosses and the final boss in the multiplayer online role-playing game.


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It’s important to remember that these dungeons are challenging to complete, requiring you to equip yourself with high-end gear (+9 Epic Grade). Once you eliminate the mobs and the mini-bosses, you’ll finally cross paths with the final boss, who is sure to keep you hooked throughout the fight. Make sure to stay alert since these enemies can jump on you anytime!


While you’re pushing through Camine Range Island, make sure to eliminate any trash mobs you come across, keep an eye on your current objectives present on the screen’s right side, and complete them in order. Make sure to collect any Resurrection Gate you come across. It’s also important to focus on your health, deal damage, and block attacks when fighting mini-bosses.


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How To Survive The Mob Fights?


In the initial stages of the challenge, you’ll have two mob mechanics to master before reaching the first mini-boss. The first section forces you to encounter a handful of goblins. During the fight, you’ll notice that a certain player from your party has a red-eye symbol over their head. This player has the ability to locate a red goblin that usually exists away from the rest of them.


You’re supposed to eliminate that red goblin. However, if you fail to eliminate the other goblins or the red one will cause an explosion to occur. The second section features a brief puzzle players must solve before going up against the first mini-boss of Carmine Rage Island. If you look closely, you’ll notice that each pillar in the area consists of different coloured symbols.


These symbols are designed to disappear after some time, so make sure to memorize their locations. You’ll observe these symbols showing up on players, so your main objective is to search for the pillar possessing the same symbol as you. Once you do that, go towards its direction and interact with it. You’ll get a temporary shield if you manage to do it properly.


How To Defeat The Red Goblin Shaman?


Once the Red Goblin Shaman shows up before you, it’ll launch an AOE attack. Fortunately, you’ll have shields to protect you from its initial sneak attack. It’s important to constantly look for red circles occasionally appearing on the floor around you since they should be avoided at all costs. Make sure to deal high damage if you want to counter the Shaman’s self-heal ability.


You’ll see the Shaman disappearing for some time when its health is decreased. In addition to this, the pillar puzzle will reappear, so make sure to solve it again to get yourself a shield and a source of protection against the Shaman’s vicious attacks. Keep going in the same pattern to take down the red goblin and progress toward the next mini-boss fight in Throne and Liberty.


How To Defeat The Red Goblin Bomber?

Upon getting to the floating platform, players will come up against the Red Goblin Bomber. In the initial stage of the fight, you’ll notice multiple red circles around the area, so avoid them to stay protected from AOE damage. The Bomber also throws out bombs at random placed in the area. Feel free to throw them over some ledge to prevent them from exploding around you.


The mini-boss is set to move to the next platform once its health is halfway down the bar. Make sure to make your way across to the enemy and keep fighting the Bomber till you lower its health a little more. It’ll teleport to the last platform once that happens. Run after the goblin and make sure that you finish the fight in one piece to progress to the final challenge, i.e., Gaitan!


How To Defeat The Red Goblin King Gaitan?


Gaitan is the final boss of Carmine Rage Island, who can be taken down with intense planning and coordination. He has a repeating hard-hitting attack pattern and gimmicks up his sleeve, like Pillars Mechani,c that can destroy a team’s synergy. In the initial phase of the battle, keep an eye out for his spinning whirlwind attack. The tank nearest to him can absorb the damage.


The boss also shoots out cones of fire, which are mostly aimed at players farthest away so that he can rush them.


Second Phase

In the second phase of the battle, you’ll see Gaitan relying on a chain mechanic, so he starts this phase with the second whirlwind attack. The main goal of this mechanic is to chain and tether four players to pillars located in the area. The two near the boss aren’t chained, whereas the four are. The tank is usually the player who is fifth farthest away from the boss.


He’s usually marked with a particular dot that can deal continuous damage. Once this player is eliminated, they’ll release an AOE that can deal damage to the others, which is why players shouldn’t choose the tank for this mission. Before the battle starts, make sure to line up in order and face the boss. In this order, it’s important to keep the tank at the fifth spot.


With the players chained to the pillars, keep moving in the area and avoiding Gaitan’s attacks. The tank should stay far away from the attacks since they’re supposed to survive at all costs. On the other hand, a healer offers additional support and helps the tank stay alive. The attacks will eventually destroy the pillars, so you can continue with your onslaught against the boss.


Unfortunately, the chaining and tethering will take place later during the fight, so make sure to follow the same method to take down the last boss of the Carmine Rage Island dungeon.


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To ensure that this Throne and Liberty Carmine Rage Island guide offers the best results, you’ll need the best resources and gear available to equip. You can easily enhance your gameplay and get the upper hand through purchasing TL Lucent on LootBar is a reliable and trusted gaming service platform, offering cheap TL lucent deals, so equip yourself with the best!


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