In GGG’s newly released Path of Exile 2, Skill Gems have undergone some major changes from PoE2’s predecessor. If you have played PoE1 before, coming into PoE2 might shock you as the way gems work is fundamentally different. Gems are still a core mechanic that grants players the ability to customize skills and abilities. However, in PoE2, you no longer socket gems the same way you did in PoE1, but instead you create the skills you want using Uncut Gems via the new Gem cutting menu. The Gem cutting menu is the new dedicated window that has around a dozen slots for your Skill Gems.
In this Path of Exile 2 Gems guide, explore the Path of Exile 2 Gem system, including POE 2 Gem Cutting and customization, to enhance your skills and gameplay with strategic gem enhancements.
How do Gems work?
Path of Exile 2 uses Gems to give your character skills and improve them.
There are five main types of gems:
Skill Gems: These gems grant active abilities, such as attacks, spells, or summons. Equipping one allows you to use that specific skill.
Support Gems: These make Skill Gems better, adding things like more damage, extra projectiles, or different effects. They need to be linked to a Skill Gem in the Skill window.
Spirit Gems: These provide continuous buffs to your friends, minions, or yourself. They stay active until you turn them off and use a resource called Spirit.
Meta Gems: These are special gems that do unique things when certain conditions are met. They can be upgraded with Support Gems and use Spirit. They can even hold Skill Gems and use those skills when triggered.
Uncut Gems: These are items you find that let you make specific Skill Gems in the Gemcutting window. This lets you choose the exact skill you want.
A big change from the first game is how you use gems. Instead of socketing them in your gear, you use a Skill Window with slots for Skill Gems. Every Skill Gem has its own set of slots where you can place Support Gems. Each Skill Gem starts with 2 or 3 of these slots, and you can get up to a maximum of 5 slots by using a certain item.
Spirit Gems are like Auras from the first game, giving effects when activated with Spirit. Meta Gems also use Spirit and trigger under conditions, but they can also use Skill Gems inside them.
Uncut Gems replace finding Skill Gems directly, letting you choose which Skill Gem you want to create. Instead of finding or receiving full-skill gems from quests or Acts, Uncut Gems will now be dropped. These allow you to select a specific skill that you want using the Gem Cutting menu,
Skill Gems
Skill Gems grant you active abilities in PoE2. Equipping them gives you powerful combat skills, from attacks and defences to utility moves. You can improve Skill Gems as you play to make them stronger, deal more damage, cover a wider area, or enhance specific features.
How Skill Gems Work:
In PoE 2, you don't put Skill Gems in your gear anymore. Instead, you equip them directly, letting you use up to 9 skills at once. Each Skill Gem can be boosted by up to 5 Support Gems, which change how the skill works and let you customize your character.
To use a Skill Gem, you put it in the Skill Window. The skill then shows up on your Skill Bar (between the Mana and Health Orbs). All classes can use Skill Gems, but some skills need specific weapons to work best.
Getting Skill Gems:
You get Skill Gems from Uncut Gems, which drop from enemies and get better in higher-level areas. Uncut Gems lets you choose the exact skill you want, giving you more control.
Levellingg Up Skill Gems:
You level up Skill Gems using Uncut Gems. These drop at different levels, so you might find a high-level one early on. If you don't need it for a new skill, you can use it to upgrade an existing one.
Enhancing Skill Gems with Support Gems:
Support Gems change and improve your Skill Gems to fit your playstyle. Each Skill Gem can be linked with up to 5 Support Gems. These Support Gems can:
Add projectiles
Increase damage
Add status effects like Freeze or Burn
Improve utility, like reducing cooldowns
You can change Support Gems whenever you want to adjust your build.
Key Differences from PoE 1:
Gems are equipped directly, not put in gear.
Any Support Gem can be used with any Skill Gem (no morcolouror matching).
Magic weapons have built-in skills.
Many skills include movement, making combat smoother.
This explains everything about Skill Gems, including how to level them up and modify them.
Support Gems
Support Gems enhance Skill Gems, changing how they work without giving you new active abilities. Instead, they provide boosts like more damage, increased range, or unique effects.
Here's how they work:
Support Gems link to Skill Gems, modifying them. Each Skill Gem can have up to 5 Support Gems linked to it. Unlike in the first Path of Exile, Support Gems don't level up; their power depends on their own stats and your character's attributes. They add attribute requirements (Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence) to the Skill Gems they modify. They also use a "Cost Multiplier" that affects mana cost but not reservation abilities.
There are some restrictions: you can only use one of each Support Gem per character, and they must be compatible with the Skill Gem. You also need a certain amount of the corresponding attribute (one Support Gem for every 5 attribute points).
Support Gems let you customize your build by adding effects like:
Increased damage
Increased range
Extra effects like projectiles, status ailments, or cooldown reductions
To make things simpler, Support Gems no longer have "Support" in their names. Using Support Gems effectively is key to making your Skill Gems more powerful and creating strong character builds.
Spirit Gems
Spirit Gems in Path of Exile 2 give you buffs by using Spirit, not Mana. There are three kinds:
Persistent Buffs (Auras): These buffs are always on until you turn them off. They make you stronger, tougher, or more useful. They use up Spirit. Examples are Herald of Ash (more fire damage and enemies ignite) and Arctic Armor (takes less damage).
Temporary Buffs: These give you a short burst of extra power but have a cooldown or need something to happen to activate. They help in certain situations, like Magma Barrier (a short shield) or Elemental Conflux (your attacks do all types of elemental damage for a short time).
Trigger-Based Spirit Gems: These buffs activate automatically when something happens. For example, Cast on Freeze makes other skills happen when you freeze an enemy, and Cast on Critical makes skills happen when you get a critical hit.
You find Spirit Gems as Uncut Spirit Gems. These have tiers which are 4, 8, and 14, and those levels decide which Spirit Gems you can get or improve.
To use Spirit Gems well:
Use both Persistent Buffs (for constant help) and Temporary Buffs (for when you need a boost).
Be careful how much Spirit you use, because these gems take it away.
Use trigger gems to make things happen automatically.
Spirit Gems give you lots of ways to change your buffs and how you play. Knowing the different types helps you make your character as strong as possible.
Meta Gems
Meta Gems in Path of Exile 2 are special gems that offer advanced ways to use skills. They can automatically use skills for you or give you more control over how and when you use them. They use Spirit, like some other buffs.
There are two main types:
Trigger-based Meta Gems: These automatically use linked skills when certain conditions are met, letting you focus on other things.
Manual-use Meta Gems: These work like regular skills but can be customized in unique ways.
Both types can be improved with Support Gems.
How Trigger Meta Gems Work:
Trigger Meta Gems use "Energy." When the right condition happens (like igniting an enemy), the Meta Gem gains Energy. When it has enough Energy, it uses the skills linked to it. Then, the Energy goes back to zero. The amount of Energy needed depends on how long it normally takes to use the linked skills. Skills with longer cast times need more Energy.
Trigger Meta Gems also work with "Enemy Power." Stronger enemies (like bosses) have more Power. This makes sure your triggered skills work well even against tough foes. Normal enemies have 1 Power, Magic have 2, Rare have 5, and Unique (bosses) have 20.
Using Support Gems with Meta Gems:
Support Gems makes Meta Gems and their linked skills even better. A Support Gem put into a Meta Gem helps both the Meta Gem and the skills inside it. For example, a "Persistence" Support Gem makes both a totem and the skill it uses (like Earthquake) last longer. Some Support Gems, like "Impetus," are made just for Meta Gems.
Learning how to use Meta Gems, will help you automate and customize your character further, which will make you much stronger in Path of Exile 2.
Gems are everything in Path of Exile 2. It is the heart of the game, how your character plays and moves, and how they progress through the game, getting more and more powerful. Just like in PoE1 if not more, this newly revamped gem system allows for great customization and wild combinations that are yet to be discovered. Hopefully, this Path of Exile 2 Gems guide has given you some clarity and given you a rundown on the basics of the new gem system in Path of Exile 2.
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