Once you have gotten further into Grinding Gear Games Path of Exile 2 and have reached the near end of Act 3, you may find yourself being challenged by Viper Napuatzi, the penultimate boss of PoE 2 Act 3. Today’s guide will help you overcome this annoying boss and beat her with comfort and ease, detailing everything you need to know.
Gearing Up
Ideally you would want to aim to be around level 43-45 for this boss fight, if not higher. The best type of damage to use against Viper Napuatzi would be chaos damage, as she is resistant to frost, lightning, fire, and physical damage. Some example classes that would be effective against her would be the Witch with some sort of chaos build, the Warrior due to its slam attacks, or the Ranger with either chaos or poison attacks.
Try and maximize as much chaos resistance on your gear as possible. If you have killed Ignagduk and complete the Tribal Vengeance quest, you can select Blooming Antidote Charm which will make you immune to poison when you become poisoned.
Boss Overview
Found in Utzaal, she uses a lot of different poison attacks in a small arena blocked off by her guards, which forces you to stay vigilant and aware of dodging her attacks. As the fight goes on, the arena will get smaller and smaller. Movement speed and damage output are important for a smooth fight here.
She doesn’t have a very complex move set unlike some other bosses in Act 2 and Act 3, but the small arena that you are forced to fight in makes her poisons annoying to deal with. You could very easily find yourself in an arena completely covered by her poisons or pinned to a corner.
When she eventually gets taken down, she will drop randomized loot. Be careful not to go for it too fast as once she falls, her guards will swarm you and you’ll need to take them down.
Unlike some other bosses, this one doesn’t really switch between unique phases, instead throughout the fight, she will continuously add more attacks and becomes a bit unpredictable.
Viper has two modes. A Spear Mode and an Unarmed Mode.
Spear Modes
- Spear Charge
Viper will charge up a poison spear and throw it at you. This has a bit of a delay so make sure not to dodge too early.
- Lightning Spear
Viper will charge up a lightning spear, and when it hits one of the shield walls, four projectiles will split back and return to wherever Viper is standing. Here you want to roll to the side to avoid the returning projectiles.
- Spear Combos
Viper has a couple of melee combos that look similar to one another and can be dangerous if you get caught in one of them. To avoid taking a chunk of damage, try to keep a safe distance and roll away at the end of the combo.
- Dashes
Viper has some dash moves where she can dash to you or away from you, and potentially follow up with quick attacks. You can simply endure these moves if you can’t dodge them as they don’t do a lot of damage.
- Toxic Spear Totem
When Viper reaches 85% health, she will place her spear into the ground which will spawn a pool of poison around it that never disappears. This is also when Viper enters Unarmed Mode.
Unarmed Moves
- Spearmen Barrage
The Spearmen surrounding the arena will start to randomly thrust their spears in a continuous fashion. Look out for the spearmen that start to glow green, those are the ones that are about to cast the attack. This attack is fast and a little hard to dodge each attack, so I recommend you keep dodging and rolling in a rhythm
- Poison Slam
Viper will jump into the air and slam the ground which can cause a large chunk of damage if you do not dodge this. She also has a voice cue for this “I shall crush you, insect!”. When you hear that or see here leap into the air, make sure to dodge roll away.
- Poison Shots
Viper fires a barrage of projectiles that will poison you, followed by a burst of them. Here you want to sidestep the rapid firing shots, and then roll forward towards Viper to avoid the last burst of projectiles.
- Poison Snakes
Viper will conjure up a bunch of little poison snakes that fly around the battlefield for a short period of time and do damage if you get hit by them. I’d suggest prioritizing other heavier attacks over this one when you can, focus on these as a last resort.
- Meteors
Viper will cast a channeling spell which will rain down fire and chaos meteors within the arena. Make sure to pay attention to the red and purple markings on the ground to see where it’s safe to move.
Defeating Viper Napuatzi requires a combination of preparation, skill, and awareness. Make sure you pay attention to her abilities, where to dodge, as well as outputting enough damage to not make this fight drag on too long. Mobility is big in this fight, as well as managing your life flasks and not using up all the charges in the beginning. If you learn this fight well and are prepared enough, it’ll be a piece of cake.
If you happen to really be struggling with Viper and want a quick boost to your character, visit LootBar.gg where you can buy PoE 2 Currency in quick and easy transactions. LootBar can help you take your gameplay and character to the next level, and you’ll be crushing bosses in no time!