Grinding Gear Games’ Path of Exile 2 has finally launched and while there have been some early struggles and minor setbacks, the game has quickly stabilized and is now offering players a fantastic ARPG experience. Many of these wonderful experiences are attributed to boss fights, and today’s guide will focus on the final boss of Act 2, Jamanra, the Abomination.
Gearing Up
Ideally, aim to be level 33-36 to face this boss with confidence. Jamanra has a particular weakness to cold damage. Sorceress or Monk players can use their frost abilities for maximum effect. Fire and poison damage are also effective options.
Recommended Defenses
Have at least 700hp and prioritize a Colossal Life flask with full charges, and at minimum 10 life regen per second. Having some lightning resistance (50-75% is ideal) to mitigate Jamanra's electric attacks. The lightning resistance charm from Act 1 is invaluable for this purpose. Equipping a Topaz Ring can help with lightning resistance. Life regen is available on the passive tree and various armors.
For the life flask, I recommend ‘gains 0.15-0.2 charges per second’ or increased maximum charges.
The Dance of Destruction
This boss encounter unfolds in two major phases. Jamanra's base health pool is around 141,000, increasing to approximately 705,000 in Cruel difficulty.
Phase 1: A Slow Burn (100-85% HP)
Jamanra's movements are relatively sluggish in this phase. He primarily attacks by summoning and maneuvering electrical pillars across the battlefield but has a few other abilities he will use as well.
Lightning Arc
Jamanra starts to cast a lightning beam from his hands. His hands will always start pointing forwards from Jamanra’s perspective, they will stay there for 0.5 seconds, and then over 2.0 seconds will rotate until they have moved 90 degrees.
This attack will deal damage over time. If you do not move out from in front of Jamanra, the damage will be significant
Spear Throw
Jamanra throws a spear at the player. There’s a wind up of about 1 second. It is possible, but difficult, to dodge this skill by dodge rolling (spacebar) to the side. This attack strikes three times, dealing a small amount of damage. Mostly physical and some lightning. Jamanra takes time to recover after firing this, the entire attack along with recovery time stops him for around 1.5 seconds.
Twin Pillars
Jamanra spends about 1.5 seconds summoning two pillars in the air and shooting them to different locations in the arena. These are about 4 meters from the boss and usually at an angle away from the direction he is facing. Imagine Jamanra standing at the center of a "V" shape. One pillar of the "V" points to the left, the other to the right.
The pillars will then fall and deal a mixed chunk of physical and lightning damage.
Phase 2: Unleashing Fury (85-65% HP)
After reaching around 85% health, Jamanra will enter the next phase, in which he will have all the abilities from phase 1, as well as these new abilities as follows.
Electric Fence
Jamanra summons two electrically charged poles which stay for around 10 seconds. An electric arc appears between them, sometimes chasing the player around the arena, and sometimes moving slowly and circling around the boss. Being caught in between the poles deals damage over time and can cause a significant amount of damage very quickly.
This skill is horrible and there isn’t much you can do to deal with it other than try to dodge it as best as you can. This is generally not a good window to do DPS as you should focus on trying to take as least amount of damage as possible, especially if Jamanra uses the ‘chase’ version of the skill.
King’s Attendants and Channeled Storm
Jamanra summons a storm that shrouds the battlefield, dealing damage over time. It is a small amount of damage at first, (around 30 damage per second through normal defenses), but quickly ramps up to deadly damage (around 500 per second) once the storm is well in effect. There is only one safe spot – behind a shield that is summoned by your ally, Asala.
At times Asala may appear offscreen, but she is always in the top-left or bottom-left of the arena, or close to those spots.
The storm lasts for 15 seconds, during which Jamanra can only do two things – summon weak minions named King’s Attendants and explode their corpses dealing a small amount of lightning damage.
Corpse explosions can and probably will shock you, increasing storm damage.
After using this skill, it takes Jamanra a few seconds to regain himself, which is a safe window to deal a lot of damage to him.
In conclusion to this skill, you need to quickly break off from Jamanra as soon as you recognize him casting the storm, quickly find Asala and stand behind her shield, and deal with the King’s Attendants.
Phase 3: Unleashing Fury (65-20% HP)
At 65% health, this is where you move to a new arena. Jamanra has entirely new abilities and some of his most dangerous abilities have voice cues. He has three different weapons that he will use here. He also can summon electric fences like in phase 2, but here they do not move and are easy to deal with.
During this phase there will also be well telegraphed arena hazards that appear and deal a small amount of lightning damage.
Sand Tornado
Jamanra will start the phase by conjuring a tornado that moves slowly and deals a large amount of damage over time. This isn’t hard to dodge and if you even need to you can safely dodge through it at times. Dodge around if you can, dodge through it if you must.
Overhead Sword Slam
This ability causes a large amount of damage and at times crits for deadly damage.
There’s a big wind up for this move, but often it is hard to tell.
Here you really want to listen to the voice cue as this is the only ability where it matters. If Jamanra says ‘TAKE OUR HATE’ or ‘OUR GIFT TO YOU’ or ‘FORGE OF HATE’, he’s already started his swing, and he will perform the attack within around 0.75 seconds of starting the final word.
A common mistake here is dodging too soon. If you hear one of the phrases or see him winding up for the attack, maintain a distance from him and start walking around Jamanra in a circle pattern. If you decide to dodge roll, do it a quarter second later than you think is needed.
Ten Thousand Spears
This ability you will have to dodge, or you will die, however it is slow and very easy to dodge.
Jamanra has two voice lines for this ability. Listen for when he says ’Ten thousand spears’ and ‘We will blot out the sun’. After a three second delay, seven spears will fall from the sky and target where you were. The spears take about a second to fall and if you get hit by all seven, you will die.
There’s no need to panic and move quickly, but at the end of his voice cue, move as fast as you can until all seven spears have landed. You can move anywhere, just don’t stand still and let the spears rain down on you.
Axe Arc Sweep
This attack is usually unleashed without any voice cues, and while you can, it is very hard to dodge.
This attack can be tanked especially if you have enough life flask charges to use here.
Phase 4: The Last Blow (20-0% HP)
This phase will have all the previous abilities from phase 3, plus one new one. Jamanra will summon Machinegun Portals, which will last for 30 seconds and shoot projectiles out at the arena.
Machinegun Portal
He'll summon a deadly portal that unleashes a barrage of projectiles across the entire battlefield. When one portal dies, Jamanra can summon a new one in a new position. These portals will divide the battlefield into four safe positions, usually one large, one small, and two medium. Of course you would want to be in the large one, because you still need to dodge other abilities.
You cannot stand in the line of fire of the portals as these do a significant amount of damage and you would not be able to endure that.
The faster you try and kill Jamanra here the better, so try and burst him down as quickly as possible.
Beyond the Basics
► Utilize life flasks that offer increased maximum charges or per-second charge gain to stay healthy.
► Prioritize a life regeneration per second passive to maintain your health pool while dodging.
► Pay close attention to sound cues. While not foolproof, Jamanra's voice lines may offer some warning before certain attacks.
► Pay attention to your life flask uses, for the last phase you will want at least 3-5 left.
Key Strategies
Phase 1 and 2
Don’t use up your resources here, especially your life flask charges. Don’t panic and go with a slow and steady approach, using the dodge roll to your advantage. If you need to, use a life flask charge on the electric fences.
Phase 3
Evade arena hazards, sword slams, and other attacks. At 20% health, be ready to reposition to avoid damage from the Machinegun Portal.
Phase 4
Try and stay in the large safe area when you can, and maybe the medium ones, if necessary, AVOID THE SMALL ONE. If you have life flask charges left you will be safe here, but still try to maximize your DPS and burn Jamanra down.
With a well-honed strategy and the necessary gear, you'll be well on your way to defeating Jamanra, the Abomination. Remember Exiles, preparation is key! Feeling overwhelmed by the grind? Buy PoE 2 Currency on LootBar. Buy game items at low prices on LootBar. Get the best gear, be the best player, and elevate your Path of Exile 2 experience today!