
LoL Wild Rift Ranking System: Everything You Need To Know

League of Legends: Wild Rift is an immensely popular name in the MOBA gaming genre. The franchise has been here for quite a while now and has a huge fan following from all over the world. It doesn’t only have a loyal fan base but also new players who are constantly joining the massive 5v5 multiplayer game. So, some of the basics of the game will be something that many will be interested in learning. Among all things, the ranking system in Wild Rift is something that needs to be understood in order to get good at the game. With this article, we will go into detail about how the Wild Rift ranking system works. 


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Understanding Basics of Wild Rift Ranking System

Just like all other multiplayer games, the ranking is based on your skill set and how much time you put into the game. However, ranking in Wild Rift isn’t something only a single individual can master. Your team needs to match your level too. 

Because the game is very teamwork-centric, your teammates need to have good ranks as well to have a competitive edge over other teams. But to begin with, how ranking works, let's start off with how many ranks Wild Rift has.

So, the game features a total of 10 ranks, and you climb up as your skills evolve and you become a better player. These ranks in order are: 

  • Iron
  • Bronze 
  • Silver 
  • Gold 
  • Platinum 
  • Emerald 
  • Diamond
  • Master 
  • Grandmaster
  • Challenger

When you first get into the game, you'll have the silver rank and you can gradually climb upwards as you hone your skills. However, climbing the tiers isn’t as simple as it sounds. There are sub-ranks too that you lead to the next main rank.

For context, except for the last 3, with all of the other ranks, you’ll have to make your way through 4 divisions from Iron I to Iron IV. This has been designed so that as players grow their skill level, their ranks also gradually increase.

A difference between League of Legends on PC and Wil Rift on mobile devices is the XP system. On PC, you can go to the store and buy XP points to rank up quickly, but on mobile, you have to rely on your skills and the time you put into the game. 

However, you can top up Wild Rift, which can help you get better Champions that can help you win matches and increase your rank quicker. You can get them directly from the store or other third-party sellers at better prices like


Ranked Marks for Quickly Upgrading Ranks

Ranked Marks are essential for growing your ranks. Winning matches awards you with ranked marks and losing matches results in loss of the marks. The points received via a win depend on your current rank. Here’s a breakdown of how many points you get for a game based on your rank: 

  • Iron – 2 Points 
  • Bronze – 3 Points
  • Silver – 3 Points
  • Gold – 4 Points
  • Platinum – 4 Points
  • Emerald – 5 Points

If players with Iron or Bronze lose a match, there would be no loss of marks. However, players above that rink will lose 1 mark if they lose.


Ranked Fortitude System and Victory Points

After crossing Diamond rank, the system transitions to Victory Points instead of Ranked Marks. To climb a rank, you need 100 Victory Points. However, there is a difference between how the marks and points system works. 

For winning VP, your individual performances are taken into account. For Ranked Marks, you are awarded based on the performance of your team. Say, even if your team was poor and you had a good performance you will get VP, but that won’t be the case with Marks. 

Promotions can help you increase your rank as well. Once you acquire 100 VP, you are out into a best-of-3 tournament. If you win 2 out of 3 games you are promoted to the next rank, losing it only diminishes your VP, and doesn’t affect the rank. 

The game even has a Fortitude System that gives you points which can be utilized for loss protection. The system works in a way that if you deliver consistently good performances or are on a winning streak, you will win Fortitude points. 

The points have a cap depending on the rank you are at. Following is the breakdown of how many max points you can win at a given tier: 

  • Iron - 200 Points
  • Bronze – 300 Points
  • Silver – 400 Points 
  • Gold – 600 Points
  • Platinum – 800 Points
  • Emerald – 1000 Points

So, now if you don’t have any spare Ranked Marks and are at a risk of demotion, your Fortitude Points will be deducted instead of you losing a rank. 

Rankings also depend on how you do throughout a season. Players who are ranked higher than Gold are at risk of losing their position if they have poor performances and losses throughout the entirety of the season. 


Matchmaking Rating 

Matchmaking is an essential part of ranked play. When you are at a higher rank you are matched against teams that have a similar level of skillset. Winning against higher-tiered opponents gives you more points compared to winning against lower-ranked teams. 

Your winning or losing streak is another thing that affects the matchmaking rating. If you are on a winning streak, your rank will grow significantly and vice versa.



The Wild Rift ranking system has been designed in a way that only players with a high skillset can make it to the top. Your rank gradually grows as you get better at the game. This ranking system gives a nice competitive touch making the game a lot more fun. 

However, while growing in the ranks isn’t an easy process, it is certainly a simple one. Just keep practising until you get really good at it and then win matches and make your way to the top of the table in the book of League of Legends: Wild Rift. 

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