Now, we all know that the first half banner of Genshin Impact’s version4.5 includes Chiori and Arataki Itto, and the second half banner includesNeuvillette and Kazuha. At present, the new character for version 4.6 has beenconfirmed to be Arlecchino. Arlecchino is most likely a five-star character, soversion 4.6 will rerun three old characters.
The banner arrangement in Genshin Impact’s future versions will affectthe pulling plans of some players. Therefore, let's predict which three oldcharacters will be rerun in version 4.6. It should be noted that due to thecomplexity of Chronicled Wish, this article will not discuss the prediction ofChronicled Wish.

Top 8 Characters that Have Not Been Rerun for A Long Time
First, let's take a look at the characters that have not been rerun forthe longest time so far. From the perspective of the characters that have notbeen rerun for a long time, it has been confirmed that Kazuha will be rerun inthe second half banner of version 4.5, which can be excluded.
Except for Kazuha, the top 8 characters that have not been rerun forthe longest time are Shenhe, Nilou, Ganyu, Alhaitham, Wanderer, Kokomi, Yelanand Lyney.
Below, we will analyze the rerun possibility of these eight charactersone by one.

Rerun Predictions of the Above Eight Characters
The most likely character to be rerun in version 4.6 is Shenhe. Shenhehas not been rerun for almost a year, and she wasn’t been rerun during the mostsuitable period of the Lantern Rite Festival in version 4.4. Therefore, interms of time interval, Shenhe should be putting on the rerun schedule. Inaddition, Shenhe does not meet the condition to enter Chronicled Wish. Sobefore entering Chronicled Wish, Shenhe still needs to be rerun for one time.
Ganyu, who ranks behind Shenhe, is highly likely to enter ChronicledWish because Ganyu meets the conditions. Therefore, in version 4.6, I believethat the rerun probability for Ganyu is not that high, and she should be in thenext Chronicled Wish.
The situation of Kokomi is similar to that of Ganyu since she also meetsthe conditions for entering Chronicled Wish. In addition, Kokomi’s ability isno longer as popular as before and the Constellations of her is not that necessary.Thus, she is very likely to enter Chronicled Wish and will not be rerun inversion 4.6.
Nilou, who ranks second among the characters who has not been rerun forthe longest time, as well as the following two Sumeru characters, Alhaitham andthe Wanderer, are likely to be rerun in the next version.
Although Yelan meets the conditions for entering Chronicled Wish, sheis still one of the best characters in the character tier list and thus willnot enter Chronicled Wish temporarily. Hence, she is also possible to be rerunin version 4.6.
However, the rerun possibility for Lyney is even greater, after all,the Fontaine version still needs to rerun the Fontaine character for one time. SinceNeuvillette is rerun in version 4.5, Lyney is very likely to be rerun inversion 4.6.

Top Up Genesis Crystals on LootBar
Topping up Genshin Impact on LootBar's website is also done through miHoYo's official route.
If you top up through the LootBar platform, you will get twice the amount of Genesis Crystals you top upd. For example, if you top up 6480 Genesis Crystals, you will get 6480 Genesis Crystals*2.
The price on LootBar's website is lower, and you can choose 6480 Genesis Crystals*4, and you can finish with one payment operation, which is very convenient. If you refer to the current price of LootBar, you can purchase 6480 Genesis Crystals*4 for only 295 dollars, saving nearly 100 dollars!
How to Top Up Genshin Impact on LootBar
Genshin Impact top up on LootBar, please follow the steps below.
1. Access LootBar's official site, select the language, currency type, and log in
2. In the top up column, select the game you want to top up. In this case, top up > Genshin Impact
3. Decide the amount of Genesis Crystals you want to buy and click 'Buy Now'.
4. Select the server and enter your Genshin Impact UID.

I personally believe that the characters that are rerun in GenshinImpact version 4.6 are more likely to be Shenhe, Nilou, Alhaitham, Wanderer andLyney. Of course, which characters will be rerun still depends on the officialinformation.
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