
Delta Force Guide to Brakkesh Map - Best Strategies to Win

Brakkesh is one of the toughest maps in Delta Force, along with the Space City, and it could be a challenging map for those who are unfamiliar with it. In this guide, you will learn the basic and most vital information that will help you dominate this map in the easiest ways. Also, keep good stock of Delta Force Coins from LootBar, to equip yourself with best gear on the battlefield. 


This map includes the following areas: 


  • New Tower of Babel
  • Helipad Area
  • Loading Area
  • Water Storage Area
  • Royal Museum
  • Ahsarah Camp
  • Brakkesh Market
  • Parking Lot
  • Blue River Hotel
  • Azure Town
  • Brakkesh Grand Hammam
  • Cherry Town


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Spawn Locations


There are 11 spawn points in total and you are always going to get 5-6 teams spawning on the map at a time. The possible spawn points for the team are the east and west doors of the Tower of Babel. There are two more spawn points in the middle of the map and then we get 7 spawn points in the northern area of the map which features an urban area with rows of small houses.  


If you spawn on the northern side of the map, then it will be a little bit of a relaxed game but if you spawn near the Tower of Babel, then it’s going to be quite the fight as the Tower of Babel and the Royal Museum are high-conflict zones. Re-insertion points are spread all over the map so it’s easy to encounter enemies.


Tower of Babel


Entry: To enter the Tower of Babel you have to enter through one of the doors that require pulling a lever before a countdown of 45 seconds begins. A point to be noted is that this will also alert the other teams that you are trying to open a door. There are 3 doors to enter the Tower of Babel. 


Keycard: Although you can skip all of this with just a keycard that costs 368k and will open the doors immediately, which will provide you a headstart to collect all the loot as the other teams wait for 45 seconds. It is recommended to bring a keycard to obtain high-value items as The Tower of Babel has 7 locked rooms.


Top of the Tower: If you want to go further into the tower, you have to find a lever which is located at the bottom of the lift in the control room in the central area. After some time, it will open up the top of the tower and you can collect even more loot.


Weapon: It is recommended to use mid to long-range weapons as the Tower of Babel has open passageways. 


Tower of Babel


The Northern Side


Overview: This area is also known as The Oldtown and consists of 7 locations. While skimming through the area, you must be cautious of the snipers.


Weapon: Close-range weapons are deemed as effective.


Exploration:  The Babel Tower is the most treasured area in Brakkesh so players tend to gather in there to raid high-value items. Due to this, the southern side is much less crowded. Many exploration spots like the Sewer and the Bird Nest, which are hidden and can be located by their sound.


The Northern Side


The Royal Museum 


High-Conflict Zone: The Royal Museum and The Tower of Babel are high-conflict zones because they have safe boxes installed in them. This area is also surrounded by 5 spawn points which makes it quite crowded.


Treasure Trove: The Royal Museum area contains almost as many high-value items as The Babel Tower, which makes it quite crowded with players on the hunt. It has 4 safe boxes that do not spawn every round.

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Extraction Points 


Every extraction point in Brakkesh has specific requirements and conditions to be fulfilled in order to extract successfully, and that’s what makes it quite the challenging map.


There is a total of 5 extraction points located all over the map:


  1. Path to Grove
  2. Bathhouse
  3. Helicopter Extract
  4. Doctor Extract
  5. Dogtag Extraction


Path to Grove


It is a bagless and the easiest extract. You can find it on the North edge of the map and slightly to the west. It takes 15 minutes for it to open after the raid begins and the maximum limit is 3 players. It is the safest one out of all the extracts.



  • Reach the extraction point. You should have no bag equipped and if you do, you can drop it and then walk up to the extraction point.
  • A 10-second countdown will begin before the extract.




This can also be termed as a safe extract and is located at the North edge of the map but slightly over to the east. It can only be used once but has no player limit. It is not available in hard mode. 



  • To enable it, you need to pull a lever inside the museum.
  • After you have pulled the lever, it will begin a 5-minute countdown.
  • You gotta head towards the North of the map in the same area to carry out the extract.


Helicopter Extract


It is available right at the start and is located right in the middle of the map, outside the Babel Towers. It is quite similar to the bathhouse extract except for the fact that it has unlimited uses.



  • To activate this extract, you have to pull one out of two levers.
  • The first lever is located inside a small room in the museum’s basement.
  • The second lever can be found near the server room in the tower.
  • After any of the levers is activated, a 4-minute countdown begins and you need to reach the extraction area in order to extract.


Helicopter Extract


Doctor Extract


It comes under the category of complicated extracts as it is an escort mission. You need to have the mission Operation Asylum available in order to use this extract. You can spot this mission just outside the Blue River Hotel in the Northwest of the map.



  • After you accept the mission, you will have to escort a doctor along with a bunch of bodyguards to the Southwest and into the Helipad area.
  • You can get attacked by some bots on the way so you need to defeat them and keep moving.
  • You have to keep doing this until you reach the Helipad area where the doctor will board a helicopter and fly off.
  • In this area, there is also a room to the side that has 2 safe boxes.
  • After the doctor has left safely, a 3-minute countdown will begin and you need to be on the helipad to extract.


Dog tag Extraction


It is located near the big glass window and on the south side of the top of the Babel Tower. This extraction is useful if you are solo because it has one single use for one single player only. It becomes available 10 minutes after the start of the game.



  • You need to get two enemy dog tags.
  • After submitting the dog tags, the countdown of 10-second begins.




In a nutshell, the Brakkesh map can be quite challenging for beginners but by following the instructions given above, you can maximize your in-game knowledge along with your potential and break through the map without much difficulty. Don’t forget to buy Delta Force coins for a smoothest gameplay experience. 


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