
Clash Royale Guide to Best Tower Troop in New Meta

Clash Royale is an ever-changing game, and the release of new tower troops has changed the meta significantly. Eventually, this guide will explain to you the basics of tower troops, their abilities, and their downsides, and give you some tips on how to use them in your decks. We will narrow down the list to these few and give guidance on how to get the most out of them.



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Understanding Tower Troops


Before we get down to details we should refresh ourselves with the general information about what tower troops are and their significance. Crown towers are special structures that need protection, and that is what tower troops are meant for. They possess their strength, attack, and can be trained like any other card.


However, the level is limited to your King Tower level. The Tower troops are available for 1 on 1 and 2 on 2 battles but not in Duels or Clan Wars 2. They form an important part of your defensive strategy and can sometimes be the winning factor.


The New Meta: Top Tower Troops


In the current meta, four tower troops stand out: the Prince Tower, Dagger Duchess, Cannoneer, and Tower Princess. They all have their advantages and limitations, which must be taken into account depending on the gameplay and the composition of a specific deck. 



Clash Royale Best Tower Troops



As all of you may know, the current meta has tilted itself into the Prince Tower. It is effective at dealing damage and has decent in attack, defense, and special attack making it effective in many situations. However, it can be easily defeated by a swarm unit. To get the most out of the Prince Tower, attach it to cards that can deal with hordes and employ in decks that thrive on constant harassment. 


Despite being recently ‘nerfed,’ the Dagger Duchess is still a solid choice up to this point in the game. This makes her useful against cycle decks and she has a high damage per second output from her ability to chain them together. Overall, she is weaker when facing aggression and is not good against beatdown decks. When using the Dagger Duchess, be strategic about the amount of her ammo which should be accompanied by a good ground defense. 


Cannoneer is the most recent addition to Tower Troops and has rather different gameplay. Single-target attack damage is high and targets both the air and ground systems. A trained skill of pre-loading mechanic adopted by him enables him to secure a fast first hit. However, Cannoneer has a lower attack rate and a smaller field of view compared to the other troops of the tower. To get the best out of him, put him with cards that counter swarms since he is very effective against tanks. 


The classical Tower Princess is still useful in many situations. People know her Ability, she provides steady damage and has a big sight range, which is why most players like her. 


However, she has lower DPS compared to newer available options, which may be a drawback in some fights. The Tower Princess is versatile and can be played in balanced decks and is suitable for beginners. 


Choosing the Right Tower Troop


When deciding which tower troop to use, remember your deck type, the opponent’s towers you face most often in the trophy range, preferred gameplay, and card levels if not fully upgraded. The fitting of distinct types of deck is equally peculiar in each of the tower troops.


The Prince Tower is exceptional in Royal Giant decks and good in control and bridge spam factions. Fisherman is a compatible piece with this category as it complements E-Spirit. The Dagger Duchess stands out in cycle decks and excels in bait strategies; however, she is weak against resource loss. Cannoneer is good in beatdown decks and in siege archetypes, and good with stalling or distraction cards. The Tower Princess shares good synergy with most decks, especially with the old bait log and deck types that require constant chip damage.



Clash Royale Tower Troops



Countering Tower Troops


It is equally vital to know how to defend against each tower troop as it is to utilize these troops to the maximum potential. For the Prince Tower, use the swarm units to keep attacking it and lure out support spells before attacking it. To counter the Dagger Duchess, pressure with beatdown pushes and use tanks to soak up her limited ammunition. Plan your attacks around Cannoneer since his attack speed is slow, and avoid it by employing swarms and air troops. To defeat the Tower Princess, it is best to overfly her with high DPS units or use spells to gradually whittle down her health bar.


You can take advantage in your battles using Gems, the in-game currency of Clash Royale. It is really hectic to get gems in the game, but the best way to get them is by purchasing Gems from reputable and trusted seller like 


How to Top-up Clash Royale on


You must have enough stock of the Clash Royale Gems to progress smoothly. If you are falling short of gems, buy Clash Royale Gems from by following the steps mentioned below:

1. Go to LootBar official website.

2. From the "Game" section in the header, select "Clash Royale"

3. Now select the amount of gems you want to purchase and enter your unique Clash Royale "Player Tag"

4. Now click on "Top-up Now"

5. Complete the payment with your preferred payment method and the gems will be delivered to you in-game.



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The Prince Tower is the best as it is pretty consistent and covers different kinds of towers, yet each tower troop has its perks and is viable in the right deck and playstyle. Pick a tower troop that works well with your deck and play style, then be ready to experiment as the meta shifts in and out. All in all, the ‘best’ tower troop is relative and depends on what is most ideal for a player. Try it out and find out how it works, and then discover the path that leads to the ladder and allows you to enjoy the game. Let the battle continue, let the knowledge grow, and let your towers rise high!


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